
Home - Parent-Student

Rights of Parents

As Stakeholders, parents, and guardians have a right to:

  • Receive feedback about their children’s progress.
  • Have access to school policies and curriculum information.
  • Meet with school personnel at a mutually convenient pre-arranged time.
  • “Codes of Behavior” are expected and enforced.
  • Participate in Parent Advisory Council (PAC)

Responsibilities of Parents and Guardians

The school expects from the parents and guardians the following:

  • Be responsible for making sure the children are well rested before bringing them to school; young children need between 8 to 10 hours of sleep each night.
  • Children who eat a nutritious breakfast perform better at school.
  • Make sure that their children are brought to school on time and picked up on time.
  • Always look through their children’s bags when they come home from school each day to be informed about any assignments for the day, announcements or notes.
  • Attend Parent/Teacher Interviews and meetings.
  • Monitor BCMS App and check daily.
  • Show support for the school by participating in school functions.
  • Read and understand all the school rules and regulations, including those rules outlined in the Parent/Student Handbook.
  • Inform the school office by 2:30 p.m. prior to picking up your child for early dismissals.
  • Inform the school office whenever the family changes their addresses, email, and phone numbers, as well as when any other important information about their children changes.

Safe Arrival/Report Student Absence

Good attendance patterns are an important factor in a student’s overall success at school.

Report your child’s absent

If your child is going to be absent, notify the school by 8:00 a.m. by:

  1. Call our school office: 604-270-2522 Extn 111
  2. Email:

Let your school know right away if there is a problem or concern. There are many ways we can work together to get attendance back on track or prevent an attendance problem from starting.

Did you know?

Key facts about school attendance:

  • If your child is 20 minutes late every day, he/she will have missed 12 days of instruction by the end of the school year.
  • If your child misses only two days of school per month, he/she will have missed one month’s worth of instruction by the end of

the school year.

  • Students who are absent 15 days of school each year will have lost one year of instruction by the end of Grade 12.
  • Students who attend school regularly tend to be more engaged in their learning, feel more connected to the school and have

better academic outcomes than students who miss a lot of schools.

Supporting good attendance

You can support good attendance at school by doing the following as a family:

  • setting a regular bedtime and morning routine;
  • getting clothes and backpacks ready the night before;
  • encouraging a positive attitude about school;
  • communicating regularly with your child’s teacher;
  • talking with your child about his/her school day;
  • taking part in school events and activities to show your child that you value school and education;
  • planning vacations and appointments around the school schedule whenever possible; and
  • Make sure your child goes to school unless he/she is truly sick.